Notes From Supergirl

My Diary from the Trenches

Day 7


Well this is the start of a big day. In an hour they will put up my last chemo bag that will drip for 24 hours and by tomorrow night I will be officially finished with my first round of chemo. There is one little glitch that could get in the way but I am hoping for the best. I have something called a “picc line” which is attached (inserted) into my arm and that is what they use to deliver chemo to my body. The area around the line is swollen and painful now and I may have to have it removed and redone on the other arm. It shouldn’t disrupt the chemo much, it just means I have to have an extra procedure done and a hole cut in both arms, not just one now. I honestly don’t care that much, so long as they can make the pain and swelling go away and finish the chemo.

In more upbeat news, I am moving to a new floor tomorrow. If you’re looking for me, I will now be on the 8th floor in a brand new PRIVATE room (yeah!). I have had lovely roomates but I wouldn’t mind having some more privacy when people visit. Knowing me, I’ll probably get lonely at night without a roomate though. I can’t help it, I just like the company.

Something I forgot to mention a few days ago, my OB/GYN called me to check on me. She heard about my situation from my primary care doctor (who has also called to check in on me) and she called me on a Saturday afternoon to see how I was doing and see if I had any OB/chemo related questions. I mention this because I was so impressed that she went out of her way to call me on the weekend when I hadn’t even discussed my current situation with her. She has been my doctor since I was in high school and delivered Ty safely and healthfully 5 weeks early. She is one of my favorite people. So aside from cheering on my OB, I want to emphasize the importance of finding doctors that you trust and trust truly care about you. I have been through many different kinds of doctors over the years and I am confident in saying that the few that matter most to my health are the ones that I trust implicitly. If I hadn’t worked hard to find the new family practitioner that I am seeing now, I might have easily ended up in a very dangerous place with no idea that I had leukemia a few months from now. Never put your health on the back burner. Fight for yourself and find yourself the best doctor you can – we all deserve that and it may save your life.

Okay, I’m done with my speech. In closing up for today, I want to thank Robyn for a great visit as always. I also want to thank Gina for coming down. I really enjoyed our conversation and I have tucked the bloodstone into the sleeve along my picc line hoping it will work some magic while I sleep! Brian also came down to hang out for the evening, ate a bunch of my Godiva (thank you!) and got a kick out of watching me do lunges in the hall.

Lunges in Hall

Okey, dokey, off to bed. More tomorrow.

posted under The Daily Record
9 Comments to

“Day 7”

  1. Avatar June 8th, 2010 at 12:23 am robyn Says:

    I saw that roomate you had today and she was not “lovely”…not to be mean but she just wasn’t…

  2. Avatar June 8th, 2010 at 1:53 am Julie Says:

    Yay for a private room!
    See you Tuesday.
    xo and good night

  3. Avatar June 8th, 2010 at 1:57 am Brian Says:

    YAY! Day 7 of a 7-day chemo treatment…. count down the HOURS!!!

  4. Avatar June 8th, 2010 at 9:34 am Meagan Says:

    Hey Jess, I hope the morning came quick, and your first round is over. I love reading this everyday! You are an inspiration to all of us!

  5. Avatar June 8th, 2010 at 9:49 am Joel Says:

    I can bring in my leafblower to simulate your old roommate’s snoring, if that will help alleviate the loneliness…

  6. Avatar June 8th, 2010 at 10:55 am Adele Says:

    I don’t know how you spent the last 7 days with a room mate! Your happy outlook is contagious and you motivated me to get off my ass today and stop complaining about all the crap around here (no pun intended). =) I hope you are now enjoying your new private room!

  7. Avatar June 8th, 2010 at 10:56 am Kim Says:

    Hooray for all the good news posted here! Best of luck with the last day today and the move… BTW – so impressive with the lunges and walking – nothing’s stopping you girl!! So thankful for you that you took your health seriously and found great doctors!

  8. Avatar June 8th, 2010 at 12:51 pm Gina Says:

    I loved our visit too Jess! We really do have lots in common—-can’t wait to chat again :)

  9. Avatar June 8th, 2010 at 1:41 pm Tatiana Says:

    Jess, your determination is just stunning!