Notes From Supergirl

My Diary from the Trenches

Day 502


I don’t have any news yet. A lot of people checked in with me today to see if I had the biopsy results and I just wanted to post to say that I haven’t heard anything. My doctor should have seen the biopsy report by now, but I think it took over a week for her to get the cytology report on the last one. I go on Monday for routine bloodwork so I will certainly be checking on the status of everything if I haven’t heard before then.

In the meantime, I am fine, really! I’ve come to peace with the possibility of what lies ahead. It will suck and I am furious that I will have to grow my hair out AGAIN, but I will get through it. I have so many incredibly inspirational people who I know personally or have heard about who have been through this before and they are all living amazing lives. I spoke with Roseann today and we talked about the many positive things that could come out of this experience. I’ll go into detail about some of that another time. But, more importantly, she reminded me that when I took on the name “Supergirl” in the beginning of all of this, I set a standard that I must live up to :) And as Melly pointed out, I have a team of doctors, nurses, friends and family behind me that are truly committed to bringing me through this and that is the most that anyone could ask for. Additionally, as my aunt pointed out, I can use all of my recovery time in isolation to train for next year’s Iron Girl. I might avoid the lake swim to steer clear of infections, but I could certainly prep myself for the bike this time too. And lastly, I myself am already seeing the opportunity to finish decorating my house, organize years of recipes, build a few websites and take up some craft projects. Holly brilliantly suggested that I do a daily blog of what I’m doing while I’m housebound. So keep an eye out for that.

If, by some miracle, I don’t have to go through this again, you better believe that this life I have been savoring is about to get even better. I’m tired of having near-death experiences but they are an exhilarating reminder to not take your time for granted. Do what you want with your life now, not later, no excuses.

I’ll post as soon as I hear anything. Thank you for all of your comments, emails and phone calls. I appreciate it more than words can say.

posted under The Daily Record
One Comment to

“Day 502”

  1. Avatar October 16th, 2011 at 7:53 pm Bryn Says:

    You never cease to amaze and inspire me. And I know for a fact there is an army of people who feel the same way. Thinking of you all the time and if there is ANYTHING I can do for you and your family, you know how to find me.