Notes From Supergirl

My Diary from the Trenches

Day 272


I know this will sound strange, but I actually had a great day at the hospital today. I was in and out in under 2 hours and my blood results were really good! I think the key is to go there at 7 am because when I was leaving, they were back to standing room only. I’m happy to get up at the crack of dawn to avoid waiting with the masses any day.

As for the blood work, my white and red counts are still normal. The white count has dropped to 4.2, but this is still an excellent number and still within the normal range. My platelets did drop to 32,000 as I was expecting, but my doctor said that this is the same time in the last round that I reached my lowest point. So if I am lucky, this may be the bottom and my numbers will start to come up next week. Additionally, if I make it through without my platelets dropping below 20,000, I won’t need any transfusions this time. I go back on Thursday for another check. I am trying to be really optimistic about this. Having my white counts stay normal is making it easy – for a wonderful change!!!

posted under The Daily Record
One Comment to

“Day 272”

  1. Avatar March 1st, 2011 at 9:36 pm Gina Says:

    Awesome Jess! So happy for you! :)