Notes From Supergirl

My Diary from the Trenches

Day 210


This month has been full of ups and downs. I was blessed to be home for Christmas and enjoy the day with my family. It was everything I had hoped it would be, especially for the kids. I was sick with a sinus infection but I made it through. I had gone to the hospital the day before for a count check and my counts where all low, as expected, but no transfusions were needed. The day after Christmas (yesterday) I felt horrible, though. I was exhausted beyond belief and spent most of the day sleeping. Thank goodness my in-laws were here to help with the kids. I figured something had to be going on with my counts. When I went to the hospital today, I found out that my white count was at 0.8 and I was completely neutropenic. My platelets and red counts were hanging on but we did a red blood transfusion anyways to try to help with my fatigue and bring my heartrate down. My heartrate, which has been totally normal, was up around 120 today (normally 70-80). So I was sent home on an antibiotic and we will keep our fingers-crossed that it helps keep away any infections and fevers while I get through these next few days. I had a fever last night but it came down on it’s own. I probably should have gone to the hospital. In any case, my temperatures have been okay today so it’s just a matter of hoping they stay that way until my counts come up and I am no longer neutropenic. The doctor said that should come up any day now. I go back on Wednesday and am just praying that they will be on their way up.

I am so grateful that I made it through Christmas, but this trial chemo has ended up being far more challenging than I ever expected. I have had to the go to the hospital every other day for the last 4 weeks and each day comes with the stress of not knowing where my counts will be. I was also told that my counts wouldn’t dip nearly as low as they did on the in-patient chemos and going today and finding out my counts were as low (0.8) was a shock. I honestly thought that my counts would be on their way up. So all in all I have been a nervous, anxious and depressed wreck in the middle of this glorious holiday season. I have been trying to focus on the things I am grateful for but keep finding myself slipping into anger and depression over having to go through all of this. I just want to be normal for a little while, if not forever. I know I will never be “that” normal again, my normal will be a new normal. I also know that this phase I am in, like the ones before, is temporary and in a few weeks I should be back to feeling okay.

I’m not going to lie, I’m in a funk right now and wishing I could be more optimistic and “supergirl-ish,” especially for the holidays. As I said, I am enormously grateful just to be alive and to have had the chance to be home. I guess I just need a break. I want to play with my kids new toys and not spend every day at the hospital or checking my temperature every two hours. I’m jealous of everyone who doesn’t have to wake up and think about these things. But I also know how lucky I am. And, I know that as soon as my counts recover, I am going to do something totally out of character and go on a vacation with no planning whatsoever. The one thing this whole experience has taught me is that life is short and we shouldn’t wait to do the things that really matter to us. Spending some time away from all of this is just what I need right now.

posted under The Daily Record
3 Comments to

“Day 210”

  1. Avatar December 27th, 2010 at 9:42 pm Chip Says:

    Hi Jess -

    It was probably predictable that the holidays would amplify whatever emotions you happened to be feeling, good or bad. You’ve been on this seesaw for 7 months now so you know it goes up and down. It’s going to go back up. Be pissed and be impatient but don’t get discouraged. You are still on the road to recovery. Keep your eyes on the road.


  2. Avatar December 28th, 2010 at 8:16 am Brian Satola Says:

    Hang in there Jess. Keep your head up as you have been. I know it is hard, but keep doing what you are doing and try to focus on all the good things around you! Best to you and your family for a Happy and HEALTHY 2011!

  3. Avatar December 29th, 2010 at 6:12 am Phaedre Says:

    Mind, body and spirit….keeping these balanced is difficult even for the best of us. (and throw in the anxiety, stress and joy of the holidays? forget about it!) It sucks that your body isn’t cooperating right now, but use your overpowering SPIRIT to get your balance back. Anger and depression are just energy, use them for what they are, then throw them off your seesaw and get your balance back!
    2 more things..I checked YES for Half Full so call me if you want to run :)
    and I know the PERFECT place for that unplanned getaway (think parcharitas and white sand)