Notes From Supergirl

My Diary from the Trenches

Day 142


My counts were pretty low today. They’re assuming they will drop some more tomorrow. I had to have a red blood transfusion today and I’m guessing tomorrow will be platelets. My mouth and throat are in a lot of pain. I managed to eat but it’s getting increasingly difficult. We’re working on upping my pain medication to try to help. I know it’s going to be hard for a few days – I’m just hoping my counts don’t take that long to come up so that this pain can go away relatively quickly.

I also managed to sleep quite  a bit today, which was kind of nice for a change. Elizabeth came for a visit and it’s always great to see her. I’m looking forward to seeing Robyn tomorrow.  I’m feeling pretty wiped out so I’m not going to ramble on much tonight. Tomorrow I will officially have made it through 2 weeks. I’m either 2/3 of the way there or half-way there. Either way, we’re making progress!

posted under The Daily Record
2 Comments to

“Day 142”

  1. Avatar October 20th, 2010 at 9:43 pm Gina Says:

    Thinking of you Jess. I went to a meditation group last night and we all sent you healing intentions. Lots of powerful positive energy coming your way.

  2. Avatar October 21st, 2010 at 10:11 am Chip Says:

    Hi Jess -

    I wish there was more we could all do to make you feel better. We are thinking about you.
