Notes From Supergirl

My Diary from the Trenches

Day 137


This is going to be a quick update because I am lucky enough to get a little date night with Brian tonight, thank you to Holly! There is not much to report today. My counts are still good but going down slowly. My white count took a crazy surge up to 38,000 thanks to the neupogen and steroids yesterday. I still feel okay physically. As I’ve told a couple of people, I feel like I am waiting for the bottom to fall out. I’m in this weird period where the only thing to do is wait and see how my body handles all of these cells coming and going. Everyone is happy with how my body is handling things so far, but I keep telling them not to jinx me. I’m not out of the clear until I’m at home with my kids for good – hopefully sooner than later! In any case, based on what my nurse explained, I should be bottoming out next Thursday or Friday and working my way up gradually by the beginning of the following week. Again, just lots of waiting.

In the meantime, I’ve been keeping pretty busy with little activities. I also had a visit from my friend Glenn today and a food delivery from dad. I will be sampling the entire line of Amy’s Frozen Organic entrees that are non-dairy/lactose free so I’ll let you know how they are. Alright, off to watch my movie.

posted under The Daily Record
One Comment to

“Day 137”

  1. Avatar October 15th, 2010 at 11:02 pm Heather Says:

    Hope you had a great time tonight with Brian!!! Holly is awesome!