Notes From Supergirl

My Diary from the Trenches

Day 103


All of my counts are on the rise. My white blood count reached 4,000 this morning which is the start of the normal range for healthy people. Neutrophils are still coming up and platelets are holding on. I feel really good. Knowing that everything is looking up is making it a lot easier to get through these long days. I was so bored today that I did two walks, yoga, read a magazine cover to cover and planned a month of meals and after-school snacks. At least I’m getting organized.

My two year old almost brought me to tears today when I talked to him on the phone and he said “mommy come home.” Then he asked where I am. I think I would have been balling had it not for the fact that I couldn’t believe how great his sentence structure and communication skills were. I know I’m in a position where I could beg them to go home tomorrow but I also know it makes more sense for me to stay here until Monday. I just can’t wait for hugs and kisses from everybody. I really miss human contact!

Anya’s coming down tonight and I am really looking forward to seeing her. I have to thank Gigi for her awesome visit last night – Brian too. Gigi brought plastic margarita glasses and Sobe drinks named after alcohol so we could pretend to be having a real celebration. It was hilarious and lots of fun. Can’t wait to get out of here, off the antibiotics and out celebrating with the gals and the good stuff!

posted under The Daily Record
One Comment to

“Day 103”

  1. Avatar September 12th, 2010 at 12:41 am Gigi Says:

    Higher counts deserved a toast : ) I’m holding on to some glasses for when you get home and we’ll get more toasting in…home and more hugs are right around the corner! love you!