Notes From Supergirl

My Diary from the Trenches

Day 99


I’m starting to feel like a broken record with this blog – my counts still haven’t moved. It’s getting a little depressing now though I know nothing’s wrong and I’m just stuck in that waiting period. I’m on day 18 from the start of chemo and typically counts come up between days 14 and 21. I know I’m staying here at least until Friday but I want to go home that day, I don’t want to spend another weekend here! I’m trying so hard not to be frustrated or depressed but I can’t help wondering if my counts will ever come up? I know they will but as I’ve said a million times before, the waiting is so hard.

Thank goodness for the visitors I’ve had and the great nurses. It is helping the time pass. Today Jim came to visit which was great. Anyone want to come tomorrow? :)

I wish I had better news to report or more interesting things to talk about, but at this point I’m just watching a lot of HGTV, doing my walks around the hospital and trying to read some books. But tomorrow’s a new day and all I can do is hope for some good news.

posted under The Daily Record
6 Comments to

“Day 99”

  1. Avatar September 7th, 2010 at 9:16 pm Chip Says:

    Hi Jess -

    I suppose being in prison would be worse, but only a little. Hang in there and be patient. I know patience is not genetically compatible with having XX chromosomes so maybe some counseling from Brian would be helpful. :)


  2. Avatar September 7th, 2010 at 9:23 pm Jess Says:

    Thank you for the laugh Chip – using “patience” and “Brian” in the same sentence is hilarious. But you know I love you Bri ;)

  3. Avatar September 7th, 2010 at 9:55 pm adele Says:


    Here’s hoping for good news on your count tomorrow!

  4. Avatar September 7th, 2010 at 10:05 pm Heather Says:

    Those counts have to come up soon. You have a party to go to, girl!!

  5. Avatar September 7th, 2010 at 11:58 pm Robyn Says:

    I don’t get it–you looked great today. I was thinking to myself, “Boy, it looks like her counts are way up” Appearances can be so deceiving…maybe I was just seeing a vision of tomorrow’s counts. Fingers crossed! I’m not canceling Sunday yet!

  6. Avatar September 8th, 2010 at 11:42 am Meredith Says:

    Praying for good news for you today!