Notes From Supergirl

My Diary from the Trenches

Day 92


I was disappointed to hear this morning that my blood count is the same as yesterday. I was really hoping that my counts would come up today but I know that this is all normal. I’m just getting very eager to get home. Today is the 31st of August and I have spent most of the summer in the hospital. It is a small sacrifice to pay to live a longer, healthy life and be there for my kids, but in the present moment I just miss my kids and want to see them so badly.

On my agenda for the day are a red blood transfusion and a platelet transfusion. I haven’t had a platelet transfusion since the first time I was in for chemo and I had a lot of issues at that time. I’m a little nervous about the transfusion today but I’ll keep my fingers-crossed. Melly is also coming for a visit and I’m looking forward to her always uplifting chats.

I think I’m just stuck in this lull. I’m waiting for my counts to come up, I’m bored and sick of the hospital, I’m missing my kids, my husband and my house, and I’m disappointed about the vacations I’ve missed this summer. I guess I’m feeling pretty down but I know it’s not that long until I go home. I’m trying to focus on that.

posted under The Daily Record
3 Comments to

“Day 92”

  1. Avatar August 31st, 2010 at 10:45 am Robyn Says:

    Hang in there Supergirl! I’m sorry I can’t get down there. I’ll go give you a call…

  2. Avatar August 31st, 2010 at 10:58 am Elizabeth Saylor Says:

    Hi! Sorry I haven’t been by in awhile. Was on vacation last week (hate to mention that with all the non-vacationish hospital time you have had this summer!) but will stop by today. Curious to hear how your older guy is finding kindergarten…my little guy just started today. Anything I can bring you? I think Roseann mentioned the Spokes of Hope project to you (?). Would love to know what you think. All the patients loved the SOH crew last year! They toured the hospital in full biking gear which was definitely different…A LOT more spandex then we usually have here at UMGCC :) See you later today, Elizabeth

  3. Avatar August 31st, 2010 at 12:22 pm Chip Says:

    Hi Jess -

    This is like any new journey. The beginning is exciting because it’s a new adventure, and the end is exciting because you are almost at your destination. But the middle can drag a little. Just remember that every day gets you closer to where you want to be.

    Best wishes….
