Notes From Supergirl

My Diary from the Trenches

Day 79


Well I made it back to the hospital on a planned admission but things aren’t going exactly as planned. I was supposed to start my next chemo today, but over the last two nights my fevers started going up again – way up to over 104. During the day, they were fine. So they decided to admit me with the idea of running a bunch a tests, loading me with up with more antibiotics and starting chemo on Friday. Today, they wouldn’t let me have Advil on my “schedule” because they wanted to wait to see what my fever would go up to on its own. It was up to 102.9 before I got any.

I’m stuck somewhere between being happy that they’re looking for other issues that may be causing these fevers and finally figuring something out and total frustration and fear that I will have fevers for the rest of my life. The irony in all of this is that I got great news from last week’s bone marrow biopsy – I am still completely in remission and things look good. I never expected that fighting leukemia would turn into this. I am trying to stay positive, I really am.

Regardless, there is some comfort in being back on 8 West with so many familiar faces. Your nurses become like family. I know I missed seeing Dan and his wife today – sorry Dan, would have loved to meet you in person! I didn’t even come in until 12:30 today. I heard you look great!

I’m determined not to let any of this get in the way of my fight. I’m coming at this the same way I did the first chemo treatment, Supergirl all the way and no looking back. Sad part is, I miss the kids already!

posted under The Daily Record
5 Comments to

“Day 79”

  1. Avatar August 18th, 2010 at 11:22 pm Heather Says:

    We are all cheering for you, Jess! Go Supergirl, GO! oxxo

  2. Avatar August 18th, 2010 at 11:39 pm Adele Says:

    I second what Heather said. The other night I had to go see a family member who was at Shock Trauma (they are fine and very lucky) and I noticed that all the doctors were wearing pink scrubs. I didn’t notice that everyone was wearing pink and at first I was like that’s a different color. I’m use to the typical blue ones. Then as I sat there for hour after hour I took notice that everyone had pink scrubs. So, I was thinking to myself does pink scrubs make you feel more chipper? Does it make the patients more calm? Why pink? Then I thought to myself…well why blue ones? Then I realized I had to stop this and go find coffee. As I walked around I thought about you Jess. I was like I should go visit Jess but then I realized you weren’t there and the next thought was back to those damn pink scrubs wondering if they picked pink for a reason because I saw some male doctors who were wearing pink and I can assure you that pink was not their color. If I had to stay there much longer, I think I would have just had to go ask one of them as they passed me. So, I hope those pink scrub wearing doctors figure out the best treatment plan to kick having these temperatures to the curb!

  3. Avatar August 19th, 2010 at 12:13 am Debbie Says:

    Hi Jess,

    I meant to say something to you the other night at school, but missed you before you left. You looked awesome! You’re doing a great job fighting this thing. Keep up the positive thoughts!
    Let us know if you need anything this time while you are in.
    To Adele- the pink scrubs are the signature color of the Shock Trauma team. They picked a color just for them and the whole team has to wear it. I don’t think there is any meaning to it except to show the unity of the team and that other depts are not supposed to wear their color. The pink is more cheery than the navy blue though:)

  4. Avatar August 19th, 2010 at 6:32 am Holly Says:

    Ditto what Heather said!! Great news with the bone marrow biopsy!!

  5. Avatar August 19th, 2010 at 4:28 pm Jess Says:

    Thanks guys. It means so much to have so many people behind me. This next step is so scary – I’m grateful to know that my team is out there!