Notes From Supergirl

My Diary from the Trenches

Day 78


It’s been a while since I’ve posted, which is a good thing because it means I’ve been busy doing other things besides dealing with fevers. The big news is, of course, that I go back to the hospital tomorrow for my “mobilization chemo.” It is a short 5 days of chemo and, in theory, I would come home after that but we will have to see how my liver infection responds to my immune system bottoming out and watch out for any other infections that want to rear their ugly head. I’m honestly not worried about anything new but I am a little concerned about how the liver infection will respond. Hopefully, since I will stay on medications for that, everything will be okay. The other big challenge will be my fevers. Some chemos cause fevers so with mine being higher than normal already, I could be in for a miserable couple of weeks. Should that happen, I’ll be glad to be at the hospital where they can help me with cooling blankets and cortisone shots. Not ideal, but if it has to happen I would rather be there than at home. Again though, let’s keep our fingers-crossed that all goes smoothly.

These past few days have been great – and productive. I’ve got the kids all ready for school, with some help from Phaedra ;) I’ve organized quite a few things in my house and, most importantly I got to see some friends and do things with the kids. Although I’m going into this next chemo weaker than the first one, being home for a few weeks has re-energized me and I’m feeling motivated to go kick some chemo butt.

More tomorrow from the hospital …

posted under The Daily Record

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