Notes From Supergirl

My Diary from the Trenches

Day 73


Today I spent the entire day at the hospital getting both a bone marrow biopsy and a red blood transfusion because I was very anemic from the medication I am on. All in all things are looking good. It seems I will go back into the hospital for the next round of chemo beginning Wednesday of next week. I am waiting to speak to the transplant team to confirm that. We also need to make sure that my bone marrow looks okay after today’s test. This was actually the most painful test I have done yet. A resident walked into the room with my usual nurse practitioner who does the marrow test and I didn’t realize that this resident was actually going to do the test. She hardly numbed the area and next thing I know she is digging the needle into my back. I won’t go into detail but I can’t tell you how many times I repeatedly said, “it hurts!” and practically left bite marks in my arm from trying to not scream. Let’s just say she wasn’t very good at it. When the test was over, the regular nurse practitioner apologized to me and said, “unfortunately it’s a teaching hospital and we have to let the residents do these things to learn.” Well that’s the last time I will be a test case. I will be far more vocal in the future about who does what tests on me.

The transfusion went well and I’ve been told I will be feel far more energetic as a result of not being anemic anymore. I’m looking forward to it, but right now I’m completely wiped out from the day. Tomorrow, however, I am planning on surprising the kids with a trip to Dutch Wonderland so let’s hope those red cells do their things. It’s something I’ve wanted to do all summer because Ty loves it there and I’m hoping my body cooperates. I wanted to fit it in before going back to the hospital.

Last night I got to spend some time with the girls and my fevers kept at bay. It is really hard for me to do things at night but I never regret seeing my friends and spending time with them. The Ravens game is on tonight so I’m going to run and catch the end of that. I’ll let you know how tomorrow goes.

posted under The Daily Record
3 Comments to

“Day 73”

  1. Avatar August 12th, 2010 at 10:10 pm Melly Says:

    Have a great time at DW tomorrow. What a great way to spend a day with the kids. A summer hilight for them I am sure!
    I saw this on CNN online tonight, and immediately thought of you!:

  2. Avatar August 13th, 2010 at 10:22 am Meredith Says:

    Hope that you are having a fun day at DW and that the showers didn’t keep you away. At least they make it cooler! DW is a favorite of ours right now, too!

  3. Avatar August 13th, 2010 at 6:07 pm Chip Says:

    Hi Jess -

    Good to hear the positives are outweighing the negatives. Should be a perfect day for DW too. If you and Brian happen to go up to the BBQ bash Saturday night, I’ll be working in the beer garden from 7-10 pm and might be inclined to give you a cold one on the house.
