Notes From Supergirl

My Diary from the Trenches

Day 63


I went in for a check-up today and had the pleasure of the doctor’s telling me, yet again, “we’re not 100% sure of what your infection is.” My infectious disease doctor went to a conference last week and actually presented my case in the hopes that the other doctors in attendance might have some further insight into what’s wrong with my liver. Although everyone feels that it is most consistent with something called “candida,” the two far stretches are cat scratch fever and some other very rare thing where a germ in your mouth causes these types of spots on your liver. As a final, and I quote my doctor, “hail Mary” he put my in yet another antibiotic. After all this time, should it by some miracle turn out to be one of those two things, my fevers should be gone in 2 or 3 days. But most likely, it is still some form of candida that is just going to take weeks to clear up. It is very frustrating. I came at this prepared to fight cancer and instead I am side-swiped by a rare infection that my doctors can’t seem to make go away. I want this to go away so that I can get back to fighting the cancer.

That’s the update, but I’ve honestly decided to stop talking about the fevers. I feel like a broken record and they say the more something simmers in your mind continually, the more real it becomes. Maybe if I ignore them and stop giving them editorial and air time, they will go away!

posted under The Daily Record
4 Comments to

“Day 63”

  1. Avatar August 2nd, 2010 at 11:08 pm Heather Says:

    Whatever about the fevers. Have you picked up any hotties with the new wig yet? ;-)

  2. Avatar August 3rd, 2010 at 4:58 pm Chip Says:

    Also, if you ignore the fevers, you can focus on what you are getting Brian for a birthday present.

    And no, he did not put me up to that. :)


  3. Avatar August 3rd, 2010 at 7:55 pm Paul Says:

    Okay Jess, it’s a known fact that marijuana reduces fevers. I don’t have any – I don’t know where to get any (wink wink), but I strongly suggest we get together and try to bring down that fever.
    Medicinal weed – I would only recommend smoking weed for the following ailments:
    * fever
    * back aches
    * stress
    * Monday
    * Tuesday
    * Wednesday
    * Thursday
    **** Friday!
    ****************************Crying children

  4. Avatar August 4th, 2010 at 10:32 am amy Says:

    If you ignore them they will most certainly go away :)