Notes From Supergirl

My Diary from the Trenches

Day 47


It’s Sunday morning and here I am still laying in this hospital room with no real answers yet about my fevers or infection. I actually yelled at the resident this morning because I ran another fever last night and she came in this morning to check on me. I told her how frustrated I was that everyday a different doctor tells me they are waiting on a different test result, yet it’s been over a week and no one seems to have any answers. In reality it’s been over a month that I’ve been running these fevers with no answers. I am SO SICK OF HAVING FEVERS! I want to be normal again. I realize that I may not be “normal” for a while considering my diagnosis, but I don’t have any cancer cells in my body right now – I am in remission – I just want to live like a normal person and wake up, enjoy the day and spend time with my family. The resident understood my frustration and felt that we might have some answers today because they ran another CT scan yesterday. They will compare the results of that scan to the scan from last week and we’ll know if the medication they have me on is working or if they need to add another antibiotic. My nurse and I are both sensing that the docs feel a second antibiotic needs to be added but they don’t know what and that is part of the hold up. I am still feeling strong, and I still have my “Supergirl” spirit, but I’m just incredibly frustrated that I’ve had something wrong with me for over a month and no one can fix it. I know they will eventually, I am just tired of waiting.

In positive news, last night some of my awesome girlfriends came down for a pick-me-up in my room. Gigi brought me sushi, cheesecake and this beautiful, custom made necklace with the initials “j” for Jessica and “s” for Supergirl. The woman who designed the necklace is named Lisa Leonard and her stuff is awesome. Check it out here: For the girls that weren’t here last night who participated in getting it for me, thank you so much! I absolutely love it. I also finally got to see Irene who brought me 2 more Supergirl hats, also completely different from any I have received so far. In fact one of them has all these bright print glittery flames all over the front rim. I’ll have to take pictures of myself in all of the different ones I have and make a gallery.

Okay, I’m feeling a little better that I vented. I’ll feel a lot better after I shower. And if I can get some good news about going home today, I’ll be all set.

Before I go I just want to thank all of you have continued to follow my blog as I work my way through the ups and downs of this journey. Your encouraging comments make an enormous difference to me. I couldn’t get through this if it weren’t for the love and support of my family and friends. I am forever grateful.

posted under The Daily Record
7 Comments to

“Day 47”

  1. Avatar July 18th, 2010 at 10:37 am Holly Says:

    Venting is good! Sometimes the doctors need to hear it from patients also, you deserve consistent answers! Hope you get out today, but if not I will be by to see you. You are one tough cookie supergirl.

  2. Avatar July 18th, 2010 at 10:47 am John Says:

    I can explain those fevers: now that you’ve come over to the bald side, you’re so darned hot that your tiny body can’t contain it. There are worse problems to have, Supergirl.

  3. Avatar July 18th, 2010 at 12:17 pm Gigi Says:

    You go girl! I’m glad you vented to your resident! Even though they have to wait for test results…a little ‘squeaky wheel’ doesn’t hurt to let them know that you’re needing focused, efficient energy from them to solve what’s going on! They need that Supergirl energy to set them straight : )

    So loved being able to spend some quality time with you last night…some yummy food and laughs – all we need is to add some wine for you! we’ll be hanging out by your pool very soon -ok? I’m sending you some positve today – love and hugs and a kick in the behind for those doctors!!!!

  4. Avatar July 18th, 2010 at 1:28 pm Irene Says:

    Jess, you are so incredibly strong!!!! I’m so glad I finally got to see you last night! You continue to inspire me and I’m sure a lot of others! They WILL figure these fevers out! Have faith and strength! You can do it! Wear the hats and feel the positive energy….

    and if you happen to find any black hair in the hats, you can blame my daughters! JK! :) Hope to see you again soon…at home!

  5. Avatar July 18th, 2010 at 8:56 pm Melly Says:

    Jess, you are holding strong. You looked darn good today. I hope the visit with B and kids was great!

  6. Avatar July 18th, 2010 at 10:29 pm Chip Says:

    Hi Jess -

    This fever business must be unbearably frustrating in addition to being physically miserable. It is maddening when you are faced with a problem that cannot be solved either with hard work or by kicking someone else’s ass.

    The best advice I can offer is to take out your frustrations on Brian.

    Sooner or later, you WILL get past this. Keep the faith.


  7. Avatar July 19th, 2010 at 7:24 pm Meagan Says:

    Jess, we pray for you every day! Keep fighting!!!!