Notes From Supergirl

My Diary from the Trenches

Day 46


I’m sorry for the lack of writing on my part. I kept hoping I would have some news to share, but instead I am still sitting in this hospital room waiting for culture results to come back and fevers to drop and hoping that at some point I will be allowed to come home. The good news is the medication they have me on virtually eliminated all of the pain. However, there were two other antibiotics that they took me off of and they are concerned to that one of those may be been reducing the fevers as well. In the last few days my fevers have been trending up, not down. I am very frustrated. One day they tell me I can go home tomorrow, the next day a different doctor says “no, maybe in a few days.” When I’m not running fevers I feel great. But right now I feel completely trapped. I hate the smell of everything in my room, from the towels and linens, to the toilet. I don’t like the taste of the water. And I really don’t like the food, which is making it difficult to put on 10 pounds. When I first got here I was excited to see all of my nurses and I was actually enthusiastic about then fixing up this problem once and for all. But now I’ve been here for over a week and I miss my children terribly and just want to go home and play with them.

I know they are missing me – I can tell when I talk to them on the phone. I wish there was a way I could explain this that wasn’t so scary but the older one seems to be handing the lack of details well and the younger one doesn’t really need an explanation- he just needs to see my face or hear my voice once in a while to know Mommy’s still here. All in all, I hope none of my mommy friends have to go through this. Not being able to see you kids is the worst, most gut-wrenching feeling in the world. But it this case, I’m doing it so that mommy will be here for the long-haul and that’s the most important thing.

I’m going to go lace up and see how much exercise I can get. Wish me luck! I’ll be back when I have more details about what they’re doing with me.

posted under The Daily Record
5 Comments to

“Day 46”

  1. Avatar July 17th, 2010 at 11:15 am Julie Says:

    Hi Jess!
    Good Morning!
    Hang in There Supergirl! You’re going to get better and be home hugging those boys SOON!
    What can you eat? What are you craving/wanting? I’m happy to bring something by…..I’m on the way out now!
    So text me or e mail me and let me know!!!

    Love you!

  2. Avatar July 17th, 2010 at 5:45 pm Irene Says:

    Hey Jess,
    I know it can’t be easy what you’re having to go through, but hang in there! You’re doing an awesome job!

    Hope to see you later this evening!

  3. Avatar July 17th, 2010 at 10:18 pm Rachel Kozak Says:

    Hi Jess,
    I can’t even imagine the pain of not being able to see your children every day, but just remember, you are truly blessed to have those 2 little guys. I saw them this afternoon during a playdate and they are so precious. In fact, I was so in love with Keiran that I wanted to take him home with me, but then he made a HUGE poop in his diaper and I just decided I would let Brian keep him :)

  4. Avatar July 17th, 2010 at 11:30 pm Kia Says:

    Keep on pushing Jess. You guys can and will get through this!!! Your boys know how much you love them and you will be with them when you are able. It’s gotta more than hurt being apart, but you have a mission to accomplish!Tighten your cape and continue to press on. :-)


  5. Avatar July 18th, 2010 at 1:02 am Brian Says:

    A HUGE poop is putting it mildly… this was immediate bath-time worthy. Those swimmy diapers really don’t handle poop well. :-(

    - B