Notes From Supergirl

My Diary from the Trenches

Day 29


I made it through the day without a fever!!!! Because of this I also took a couple of little strolls around the neighborhood to finally get some exercise and I went with Amanda, Lucia and Ty to see Toy Story 3. That was my first big “outing” since coming home. It felt so great to do something normal.

I’m hoping I’ll be feeling even better tomorrow now that the medication seems to have kicked in. I look forward to eating, exercising and hanging out with the kids. I may also go check out some new wigs.

I also want to thank Julie for dropping off a baked ziti and Robyn for coordinating an incredible shipment of ready-to-cook food from Let’s Dish. Our freezer is well stocked! I have lots I’ve been thinking about blogging about but for tonight I am just going to relax and watch TV.

posted under The Daily Record
One Comment to

“Day 29”

  1. Avatar June 29th, 2010 at 11:07 pm Heather Says:

    No more “America’s Got Talent”! :)