Notes From Supergirl

My Diary from the Trenches

Day 26


I’m home now and starting to settle in. My first day back didn’t exactly go as expected. When I got home on Thursday evening I was running a fever of 102. I called the doctor and she wanted me to come in the next day for another CT scan with injection dye this time. She said there was a type of infection that she had been worried about in the back of her mind but they hadn’t tested for. So I spent all day Friday back at the hospital and the scan confirmed that I do have this infection. It is nothing terrible, just something that takes a long time to clear up and, unfortunately, my body is running fevers as a way of fighting it. I assumed that she would re-admit me since I was running the fevers but she said I was fine to go home, take the medication and the fevers will eventually pass.

Coming home with fevers was not what I had in mind. I’m hot, then cold, I’m sweating in the middle of the night, then freezing. I’m also used to being in the hospital where nurses check my vital signs every couple of hours and give me medicine whenever I need it. I have to say that being home, alone, to take care of myself, has been a little scary.

All of that aside, being home and seeing my boys has been amazing. When I walked in the door on Thursday to surprise them, they were both so excited to see me. Ty just kept rubbing my head (because he likes the way the buzz cut feels) and Kieran didn’t even notice. I’ve been smothering them and savoring every minute.

Of course, some of the first things I noticed were how dirty things were, how much weeding needed to be done or wondering how long it had been since sheets were changed, etc. Brian has done an incredible job keeping everything together but it’s nice to see I’m needed for a few things. Although I know I should be relaxing, I have actually found it very therapeutic to weed the garden and clean the house.

I think that having the fevers over the last few weeks have thrown some of my confidence and “supergirl” spirit and I am hoping that this brief time I have at home will recharge and renew me for the next phase of this battle.

posted under The Daily Record
3 Comments to

“Day 26”

  1. Avatar June 26th, 2010 at 1:16 pm Paul Says:

    Happy to hear you’re home. Please take it easy. If you need anyone to come over and take care of you, I’ll be there. I don’t usually change diapers, but this might be interesting. Take care.

    Lots of love


  2. Avatar June 27th, 2010 at 2:01 pm Martha Says:

    I hate to weed….But this morning I spent an hour weeding because your posting reminded me that each day should be treasured and that each chore is a gift! Thank you. Martha

  3. Avatar June 27th, 2010 at 11:07 pm Brian Says:

    Just for the record. The weeds were there because I slacked… the messy house can be blamed on my brother visiting. He is like a tornado any time he comes to visit. I swear, it wasn’t my mess! The house was spotless a week earlier… just ask “little Jess”