Notes From Supergirl

My Diary from the Trenches

Day 17


It is really hard for me to blog tonight. I am in the bottom of the bottom and I have been running high fevers (103) on and off all day. I finally got my matching platelets but they gave it to me in the midst of one of my fevers and it ended up dropping my count to 3,000 – not good. They have prepped me for platelets again but as we started my fever started to climb and now we are waiting for it to come down because we don’t want to waste another bag and risk dropping to virtually zero.  This is the part where I really have to push myself mentally. I am so happy and relieved that my bone marrow came back clear but physically I can barely get out of bed because I’m so cold. As well, I have had a lot of dizziness because my blood pressure is low and I am dehydrated from the sweats and not being able to eat very much. The good news is that my stomach is feeling a lot better. They are also giving me lots of fluids for the dehydration. If I could just kick the fevers and get my platelets back up, I’ll be in the good shape. The docs keep telling me it will happen in time. Typically this low phase lasts about a week so by next Monday I should start to see some recovery.

I haven’t been taking many phone calls or visitors (but Jim, I REALLY didn’t get any of your calls!). I feel so yucky that I’ve just been laying in bed and sleeping. I’ve tried to do a little yoga and meditation but the physical symptoms are making things difficult.

Like my nurse said, this is the part where I have to bring the Supergirl on. I have to focus on the other side and not get caught up in the things that are happening. All in all, everything is looking very good – they test me daily for all kinds of infections and viruses and everything comes back clear. That is good news.  It will get better and I just have to take care of myself and let that happen.

My triathalon nurse, RoseAnn, ran a half iron-man triathalon over the weekend and wrote a really beautiful piece about how I was part of her inspiration for the race. If you want to read her blog, here’s the link. I was so touched.

My dad brought me scones today and I was able to keep one down – yeah! My cousin Amy, who is truly a sister to me, sent me a great care package with Mad Libs, a Superwoman comic, Pride and Prejudice as a graphic novel, lots of hats and scarves and an inspirational decoration for my room. Amy, I’ll call you as soon as I get a chance tomorrow. I also have to thank Steph for a great pair of slippers and scarves that she brought yesterday.

My temp just came back at 103.7 so I think I’m about to swarmed with ice packs. I won’t lie, this stuff scares the crap out of me but I have to have faith in the doctors and know I will get through this.

1:15 am Update:

This is me with ice packs all over. We finally got my fever down and we’re trying the platelets again. It’s going to work this time! I’m feeling MUCH better.

posted under The Daily Record
10 Comments to

“Day 17”

  1. Avatar June 18th, 2010 at 9:33 am Joel Says:

    You know, with the summer heat starting up, the “Ice Pack Hat” look may catch on. You’ll be a trendsetter!

  2. Avatar June 18th, 2010 at 10:25 am Julie Says:

    Hang in there Jess! You can do this!!!!
    See you soon!
    Love & hugs :)

  3. Avatar June 18th, 2010 at 11:35 am Gigi Says:

    When I read the 1st part of your blog for tonight, it made me think of when I was sick with H1N1 in the fall. Nothing in comparison – but just that night of chills and fever and misery was pretty rough – a small dose in comparison to what you’ve been facing with your fevers…I didn’t have a chance to write until now and I was going to say that I hope it passes quickly …Low and behold – I open your blog to see that fantastic picture with your thumbs up and big smile and your “Just Chillin’” trendsetter look for the season!!! totally made me smile…hope your platelets kick in well and you have a restful day…love…

  4. Avatar June 18th, 2010 at 12:39 pm Dan Walton Says:

    Hey there, I just stumbled onto your story through one of Roseanne’s posts. This is an amazing journey that you are on right now. I know…..I’m 33 next month. I was diagnosed with AML in January 2010 and started treatment at UMGCC in February…….fast forward a few months and I am 1 month post stem cell transplant today. Things are going well, but they don’t always go easy. You just have to focus on your goal and know that you’ll settle for nothing less. Take care, and God bless.

  5. Avatar June 18th, 2010 at 3:26 pm Chip Says:

    Hi Jess -

    Well all of that sounds miserable. But it’s a small price to pay for getting well, which you will. Hang in there. You have an enormous amount of support out here. You are allowed to feel sick but you are not allowed to feel alone.


  6. Avatar June 18th, 2010 at 9:05 pm Heather Says:

    Well said, Chip. You are by far alone. There are so many of us rooting and waiting for you out here. Hurry up. The fresh air is calling your name. Hugs.

  7. Avatar June 18th, 2010 at 9:06 pm Heather Says:

    Oh god…I meant to say by far NOT alone! Oh boy. NOT! NOT! I need to stop adding comments from my crappy little phone.

  8. Avatar June 18th, 2010 at 9:08 pm Gina Says:

    Heather—–you need a vacation!

  9. Avatar June 18th, 2010 at 9:31 pm Ashley Tartufo Says:


    I don’t know you, you don’t know me… However, I know Roseanne, 3 years ago when I signed up for Team In Training, she was my mentor! To make an incredibly long story very short, I have been racing ever since then because I want to make a difference and find a cure so people with cancer don’t hurt anymore. Today I saw Roseanne’s post about Eagleman and a piece of your story and I immediately thought, what an amazing chick!!! Roseanne called me tonight and asked me if I could ride with her tomorrow but I can’t because I am doing Baltimore 10 miler but I needed more… Tomorrow when you wake up look outside, maybe you will be able to see and maybe you wont but please know that at 730 am I will be running the Baltimore 10 miler for you, to give you strength, to give you energy and because you are super! You are amazing and Ill run 10 miles for you to give you the energy to strive though another day… And next August, I can’t wait to do Iron Girl right by your side!!! Keep your head up and remember your SUPER, your AMAZING and your MY INSPIRATION!!!!!!

  10. Avatar June 18th, 2010 at 10:51 pm Jess Says:

    @Ashley – I don’t even know what to say, I am so touched by your thinking of me tomorrow. I will definitely look forward to seeing you at Iron Girl! I hope Roseann realizes the power of the connections she is creating though Team Inspiration. Awesome to “meet” you!

    @Dan – My sister-in-law Heather Hensley was just telling me to look up her friend’s blog on Caring Bridge and when she began described this friend Dan, I said it sounded just like someone who just posted on my blog. So if this is Heather’s friend Dan, what a small world! Thank you for stopping over to read my blog – Heather highly recommended I read yours and said it was very inspiring. Also really nice to “meet” you!