Notes From Supergirl

My Diary from the Trenches

Day 13


Today turned out to be a surprisingly good day. At some insane hour of the morning, the nurse woke me up to tell me that the platelet transfusion they ran last night, which was not even with matched platelets, brought my count up from 3,000 to 46,000! I was so happy and relieved, I can’t begin to explain my excitement. We also did a red blood cell transfusion which brought those up to a good number. I then went for a CT scan which diagnosed that I have colitis (inflammation of the lining of the stomach) as a result of the chemo. This may sound bad, but it’s actually a normal side effect that explains that pain but is good news because it means that I do not have any internal bleeding or infections.

Brian was sweet enough to stay the night and my dad brought Ty down for his first visit later in the morning. Ty was adorable and inquisitive. We made jokes out of things that might seem scary, like wearing masks, and when we went for a walk he wanted to push my IV pole. I was hooked up this morning to get some IV antibiotics. He loved the hospital and he seemed to really enjoy the visit.

The rest of the day I got some much needed rest while they tried another red blood transfusion. There were some issues with the blood and we opted not to do it. It turns out my counts were high enough that I didn’t need it. In the evening, Holly came a did a lap with me.

Now here’s the news you all have been waiting for – my hair is starting to fall out. I noticed little pieces here and there and then when I pulled on it tonight, big clumps started coming out. I’m guessing I have 1-2 more days before it is all out. Fortunately the wig lady is coming to visit tomorrow and I have a few scarves ready and waiting. I ordered some baseball caps from Life Is Good (Brian couldn’t get over the irony). But if anyone sees some cute scarves that you think would look fabulous with my bald head and my wardrobe, please let me know.

Thanks for all of the pep talks yesterday. Like I said, I’m going through the low part now but I know the turning point is just a few days away. I’m feeling rejuvenated today and (almost) looking forward to my hair falling off because I think the anticipation is worse than it actually happening. I think it will feel like I’m really in the fight at that point. Additionally, I know that the sooner it falls out, the sooner it will grow back :)

posted under The Daily Record
8 Comments to

“Day 13”

  1. Avatar June 13th, 2010 at 10:53 pm Rachel Kozak Says:

    Great news Jess :) Don’t worry- you are beautiful with hair and you will be beautiful without hair! Love ya!

  2. Avatar June 13th, 2010 at 11:03 pm Heather Says:

    “Bald is the new black.” ;)

  3. Avatar June 13th, 2010 at 11:30 pm Chip Says:

    Jess -

    Good for you. What a difference a day makes.

    I got a haircut yesterday and I asked my hair pro and friend Carol if your hair is any different when it grows back after chemo. She said about half the time it grows back curly and then gradually straightens again over time. So maybe you will have a new look.

    I had actually told Carol about you awhile back when I was criticizing her web site. I wanted her to contact you because she was using some amateur. She was interested in your blog so I sent her your URL.

    I hope tomorrow is as good as today.


  4. Avatar June 14th, 2010 at 8:51 am Dora Says:

    Glad your day was alittle brighter. Keep climbing that hill Jess. You WILL make!

  5. Avatar June 14th, 2010 at 9:01 am Dora Says:

    Oops. You WILL make it!

  6. Avatar June 14th, 2010 at 10:50 am Mina Says:

    Glad to hear that things are a little bit better, Jess. I wanted you to know that you’re in my thoughts.

  7. Avatar June 14th, 2010 at 11:22 pm Meagan Says:

    Bald is the new beautiful! Your hair didn’t make you beautiful, your strong positive outlook does! Keep on fighting! Saw the boys today, they look great!

  8. Avatar June 14th, 2010 at 11:33 pm Irene Castelino Says:

    Wow, 3,000 to 46,000? What a leap! That’s great news! Continue to stay positive! The top of that mountain is in sight! I’m still trying to make that visit!!!!